Community Computer Lab

Forty-three-year old Helen stopped by to tell me about her experience when she took our free Microsoft Suite classes at the Olalo Computer lab.

She said having these new skills saves her time and money because now she can do much of her work herself, where previously she had to pay someone else to do it.

The best part is that everyone discouraged her taking the classes saying she was just too old to learn and not to waste her time.

Helen was very happy to prove them all wrong and now she encourages other “old” folks to take the classes!

You can help keep these free classes open to anyone in Oyugis looking to improve their lives or their businesses with a donation today.

More Info About Our Computer Lab

Olalo’s community-based computer lab in Oyugis, brings much needed computer skills and technology to western Kenya.

Olalo offers computer classes to both students and adults alike, giving them the tools needed to enhance their school studies, develop marketable job skills and enhancing local business owners’ capabilities.

We offer several programs at the computer lab –business software for adults and older students, educational and research programs for all.

We also set aside times for people who need to use a computer/printer for business purposes and charge a fee which assists with the cost of running the lab.

Donations to our community computer lab covers all costs associated with the lab; computer maintenance and upkeep, our class instructor, building rent, utilities and office supplies.

With over half of Kenya’s population living in poverty, we don't expect most kids and adults using the lab to contribute monetarily for the classes.  Those students can be asked to help out around the lab or in other areas Olalo works to offset the costs.

We’re giving a hand-up and not a hand-out.

We are excited to offer this service to the community and hope you will join us in our goal to enhance lives with skills that can change lives!