Medical Fund

If your family lived on less than $1 a day and a family member became injured or sick, would you choose to get help for that one person….or would you choose food for your family?

In most cases, the choice is food for the entire family.

When Olalo of Hope-Kenya hears about someone who has been injured, is ill or diseased, we get them to a local hospital for treatment…on our dime. Even if we have to pay for a taxi to get them there and home again.

Most hospital visits, including treatment, tests and medications add up to mere pocket change to us…hence the name of our medical fund Change for Change.

Malaria and typhoid are very common among the people of Oyugis, Kenya.  They are both very treatable, but left untreated can lead to death.  It doesn’t take a lot to save a life!

Over the years, Change for Change has paid for numerous doctor visits, tests and medications for typhoid, malaria, parasites, other illnesses, injuries, x-rays, surgeries, specialists, accident victims, hospital stays, rabies and sickle cell anemia treatments.

Every single person would not have been treated without the assistance of this fund.

With Your Help, the Change for Change program plays a vital role in Oyugis by treating those in need, saving lives and promoting a healthy community.

Would you help save a life today?