YOU Are The Reason Many People Are Alive Today!

Since the arrival of COVID-19 in Oyugis, we expected a surge of  people seeking help for medical care.  Fortunately, that hasn’t been the case…at least not due to the virus.

What has increased is the number of incidents requiring urgent medical care due to major changes in the roads in the area and throughout town.  Vehicle accidents and children being hit by cars has increased, resulting in injuries and sadly even deaths of young children going to or from school.

Your generous support for urgent medical care was invaluable in getting medical help for these victims.

The need for surgeries increased through the year, and illnesses that were not identifiable required hospital stays, multiple tests, x-rays, and scans.  This was all possible because of you and your generosity. 

Thank You!

Arriving at a hospital for treatment without the money in-hand to cover the costs means in most cases, you are turned away until you can come back able to cover the costs.  Sadly, this practice leads to greater health risks and sometimes death.

Your support goes to cover those hospital/medication costs so people can receive the urgent medical care needed as the need arises.

You are the reason many people in Kenya are alive today!

We cannot thank you enough for your support!

Nyasaye Ogwedhi!
Merry Broughal


Seeing And Meeting The Need


Moving Forward With Education